Sleep. We take it for granted most of the times. And a lot of times, we're careless about getting enough sleep. Today, that's what Nupur talks about.
Friends are the family that we choose. In this episode - friends and friendship - that's what Nupur is exploring, through a beautiful poem.
Rivers. They give birth to life. And whether we see it or not, they're the root of all life, physically and metaphorically.
Nupur decided to give you a special treat with this one! This is a two-in-one episode! Two poems in one episode!
Feminism. Enough said. This is Nupur's take on the idea, the movement, the importance of equal rights.
There may be a thousand things wrong with it, but there are always a lot more that are right. This time, it's about our motherland, our home, India.
That's what life is all about isn't it? A combination of good and bad days. We reminisce the good ones, and learn from the bad ones.
Nupur is back with another season of Straight From My Heart! Lots of poetry, which is more real, more intimate, more restful and more unfiltered.
Grab a cup of coffee, relax, and go on this poetic journey through poetry, with Nupur.
In this season finale episode, come, let's take you on an audio travel trip to Paris, the city of love, the city of romance, the city of blinding lights.
Join us as we conclude the first season on Straight From My[...]