#Ep28_In Conversation with My Teacher_Anil Thomas
Today, we dive into the art of psychotherapy and how it can build a foundation of a well lived life. As Anil beautifully puts it, “Psychotherapy is like coconut water—good for the sick and the healthy.”
#Ep27_Motherhood Penalty – Podshort #3
In the third Podshort, I speak with Sesha Bansal, who candidly shares her experience facing the motherhood penalty not once, but twice. She opens up about the challenges that led her to switch to independent work.
#Ep25 – Motherhood Penalty PodShort #1
I speak to Neha Garg who talks about the bitter truth of going back to work after 6 months of maternity. #MotherhoodPenalty
#Ep24 – Different Strokes – Onward with Bravery & Bianca
Bianca Ghose is a force to reckon with. Unstoppable in her work commitments, she is deeply rooted in family values. Despite navigating poor health and a high-pressure career, she juggles every role in her life with utmost sincerity. Tune in[...]
#Ep24 Different Strokes – Onward with Bravery & Bianca
Bianca Ghose is a force to reckon with. She's unstoppable when it comes to her work commitments, yet deeply rooted in family values. Despite navigating poor health and a high-pressure career, she juggles every role in her life with utmost[...]
#Ep23_Different Strokes_It Takes 4 to Tango!
Meet Parul Kakkad, a mommy influencer and a mother to 4 beautiful children. She spills the beans on raising a large family, dealing with miscarriage and postpartum.
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/message#EP22_Different Strokes_Children and Summer Vacations
If you are a parent who wishes to make your child's summer vacation fruitful, then this is for you. A good summer break becomes a lifetime memory. Children cherish and re-live these memories throughout their lives. We can help our[...]
S3Ep4_Different Strokes_Adolescent Mental Health
In 2021, ANXIETY was named the Oxford Dictionary word of the year. Adolescence can be a challenging phase, marked by significant changes and transitions. It is therefore, crucial to understand the unique mental health needs of young people during this[...]
#EP21_Different Strokes_Adolescent Mental Health
In 2021, ANXIETY was named the Oxford Dictionary word of the year. Adolescence can be a challenging phase, marked by significant changes and transitions. It is therefore, crucial to understand the unique mental health needs of young people during this[...]
S3EP3_Different Strokes_Single Parent
This episode of Different Strokes speaks to a single mother who had no other choice but to take it all in her stride and move on.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS3EP3_Different Strokes_Single Parenting
This episode of Different Strokes speaks to a single mother who had no other choice but to take it all in her stride and move on.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP20_Different Strokes_Single Parenting
This episode of Different Strokes speaks to a single mother who had no other choice but to take it all in her stride and move on.
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageS3EP2_Different Strokes_Twinning
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP19_Different Strokes_Twinning
Life is hard. And unfair. And bloody painful. But what if we focus on what we can change rather than brood over what we cannot control? Easier said than done but, we gotta pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off.[...]
This story of a young man was incredibly difficult to record, for various reasons. But utterly fulfilling because it has a happy ending. Tune in!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS3EP1_Different Strokes_Rising From the Ashes
This story of a young man was incredibly difficult to record, for various reasons. But utterly fulfilling because it has a happy ending. Tune in!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP18_Different Strokes_Rising From the Ashes
This story of a young man was incredibly difficult to record, for various reasons. But utterly fulfilling because it has a happy ending. Tune in!
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageS2Ep8_Different Strokes_Processing Grief
In this episode, I talk to Ishita Roy Chowdhury, a clinical psychologist about processing grief, survivor's guilt and trauma caused due to the elongated pandemic of Covid19.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP17_Different Strokes_Processing Grief
In this episode, I talk to Ishita Roy Chowdhury, a clinical psychologist about processing grief, survivor's guilt and trauma caused due to the elongated pandemic of Covid19.
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageS2Ep8_DifferentStrokes_Covid&MentalHealth
In this episode, I talk to Ishita Roy Chowdhury, a clinical psychologist about processing grief and trauma caused due to the elongated pandemic.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS2Ep8_DifferentStrokes_ProcessingGrief
In this episode, I talk to Ishita Roy Chowdhury, a clinical psychologist about processing grief, survivor's guilt and trauma caused due to the elongated pandemic of Covid19.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS2EP7_Different Strokes_Divorce
In this episode of Different Strokes, I talk to Vinita Ramtri who took charge of her happiness and walked out of her marriage. We try and break some stereotypes and celebrate the freedom of making choices in this podcast.
---[...]#EP16_Different Strokes_Divorce
In this episode of Different Strokes, I talk to Vinita Ramtri who took charge of her happiness and walked out of her marriage. We try and break some stereotypes and celebrate the freedom of making choices in this podcast.
In this episode of Different Strokes, I talk to Vinita Ramtri who took charge of her happiness and walked out of her marriage. We try and break some stereotypes and celebrate the freedom of making choices in this podcast.
---[...]The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Rajshri
As a gynaecologist, it's her duty to ensure a new life is brought into this world safely. But Covid has pierced that safety net, putting pregnant women and infants at greater risks. I talk to Dr. Rajashi Tayshete Bhasale, a[...]
The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Alina Alam
Not all Superheroes wear capes and jump from tall buildings. Sometimes, they're found in ordinary people doing extraordinary things. And this story shines a light on just a handful of those superheroes who're making this world a better place to[...]
The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Anita Gaule
As a doctor, she couldn't sit on the side and not do anything. She had to soldier on, even if it meant leaving behind her new born.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageChildren and Mental Health – A Parallel Pandemic
I speak to Nupur Paiva, a child psychologist who throws some light on a parallel pandemic that is rearing its ugly head alongside Covid. We're looking at a generation of children growing with fear, grief, helplessness and battered mental health.
[...]The Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Srinivas
I talk to a radio oncologist who highlights the neglect in other critical patient care because of the pandemic.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageThe Voices of #CovidHeroes_Dr. Disha
In this Podshot, I speak to Dr. Disha, who is working at the frontline to combat the Covid Crisis.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS2Ep6_Different Strokes_PTSD
The post covid world is going to have some permanent ramifications. What we're enduring collectively and individually could take a long time to heal. We may never forget but we could just learn to live with it. In this episode,[...]
#EP15_Different Strokes_PTSD
The post covid world is going to have some permanent ramifications. What we're enduring collectively and individually could take a long time to heal. We may never forget but we could just learn to live with it. In this episode,[...]
The post covid world is going to have some permanent ramifications. What we'e enduring collectively and individually could take a long time to heal. We may never forget but we may just learn to live with it. In this episode,[...]
S2Ep5_Different Strokes_Womanhood
In this episode of Different Strokes, we uncover the soul stirring journeys of two sisters who fought illnesses, stigmas, mental and emotional upheaval and yet, have stood stronger together.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP14_Different Strokes_Womanhood
In this episode of Different Strokes, we uncover the soul stirring journeys of two sisters who fought illnesses, stigmas, mental and emotional upheaval and yet, have stood stronger together.
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageS2Ep5_DifferentStrokes_Womanhood
In this episode of Different Strokes, we uncover the soul stirring journeys of two sisters who fought illnesses, stigmas, mental and emotional upheaval and yet, have stood stronger together.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS2EP4_Different Strokes_Rare Disease
In a very interesting conversation with Ramgopal Vallath (RamG Vallath), he talks about his life's journey from ouch to oops; from braving a crippling disease to becoming an accomplished author and TED speaker by chance. Tune in!
--- Send in[...]#EP13_Different Strokes_Rare Disease
In a very interesting conversation with Ramgopal Vallath (RamG Vallath), he talks about his life's journey from ouch to oops; from braving a crippling disease to becoming an accomplished author and TED speaker by chance. Tune in!
--- Send in[...]S2EP4_DifferentStrokes_RareDisease
In a very interesting conversation with Ramgopal Vallath (RamG Vallath), he talks about his life's journey from ouch to oops; from braving a crippling disease to becoming an accomplished author and TED speaker by chance. Tune in!
--- Send in[...]S2Ep3_Different Strokes_Beauty
I've known her since college. She was this chatty, vibrant and full of life person. But a near fatal accident just 2 months into her marriage changed her life forever. She didn't look the same. But she defied the conventional[...]
#EP12_Different Strokes_Beauty
I've known her since college. She was this chatty, vibrant and full of life person. But a near fatal accident just 2 months into her marriage changed her life forever. She didn't look the same. But she defied the conventional[...]
I've known her since college. She was this chatty, vibrant and full of life person. But a near fatal accident just 2 months into her marriage changed her life forever. She didn't look the same. But she defied the conventional[...]
S2EP2_Different Strokes_Sexual Abuse
This episode was not only the toughest to record, but also the most important. Almost every girl has been a victim to some kind of abuse/assault of sexual nature, which has scarred her for life. It takes immense courage to[...]
#EP11_Different Strokes_Sexual Abuse
This episode was not only the toughest to record, but also the most important. Almost every girl has been a victim to some kind of abuse/assault of sexual nature, which has scarred her for life. It takes immense courage to[...]
S2EP2_Different Strokes_SexualAbuse
This episode was not only the toughest to record, but also the most important. Almost every girl has been a victim to some kind of abuse/assault of sexual nature, which has scarred her for life. It takes immense courage to[...]
S2EP1_Different Strokes_Living With Quadriplegia
For 30 years, she's lived her life as an able-bodied person. But a sudden turn of events left her in a wheelchair. But that has in no way, discouraged her to live as a free spirit! You don't want miss[...]
#EP10_Different Strokes_Living With Quadriplegia
For 30 years, she's lived her life as an able-bodied person. But a sudden turn of events left her in a wheelchair. But that has in no way, discouraged her to live as a free spirit! You don't want miss[...]
S2EP1_Different Strokes_LivingWithQuadriplegia
For 30 years, she's lived her life as an able-bodied person. But a sudden turn of events left her in a wheelchair. But that has in no way, discouraged her to live as a free spirit! You don't want miss[...]
S1EP9_Different Strokes_Beating Cancer
If I were to describe this woman in one word, i'd say 'Un-patient like' because she makes sure even cancer isn't able to batter her undying spirit. She's beaten the big C once and she's on a journey to beat[...]
#EP9_Different Strokes_Beating Cancer
If I were to describe this woman in one word, i'd say 'Un-patient like' because she makes sure even cancer isn't able to batter her undying spirit. She's beaten the big C once and she's on a journey to beat[...]
If I were to describe this woman in one word, i'd say 'Un-patient like' because she makes sure even cancer isn't able to batter her undying spirit. She's beaten the big C once and she's on a journey to beat[...]
S1EP8_Different Strokes_Courage
At 24, most of us are hustling to land a cushy corporate job. But this young woman decided to take on a rather challenging journey of fighting the patriarchal establishments to heal and transform the lives of sexually abused adolescent[...]
#EP8_Different Strokes_Courage
At 24, most of us are hustling to land a cushy corporate job. But this young woman decided to take on a rather challenging journey of fighting the patriarchal establishments to heal and transform the lives of sexually abused adolescent[...]
EP8_Different Strokes_Courage
At 24, most of us are hustling to land a cushy corporate job. But this young woman decided to take on a rather challenging journey of fighting the patriarchal establishments to heal and transform the lives of sexually abused adolescent[...]
S1EP7_Different Strokes_Battling Cancer
They say our problems are only as big as we make them in our head and our attitude makes all the difference. This story is the perfect example of living life unapologetically, despite all odds.
--- Send in a voice[...]#EP7_Different Strokes_Battling Cancer
They say our problems are only as big as we make them in our head and our attitude makes all the difference. This story is the perfect example of living life unapologetically, despite all odds.
--- Send in a voice[...]EP7_DifferentStrokes_BattlingCancer
They say our problems are only as big as we make them in our head and our attitude makes all the difference. This story is the perfect example of living life unapologetically, despite all odds.
--- Send in a voice[...]S1EP6_Different Strokes_Disability
Meet this superwoman who defied death three times and bounced back to life, like it never happened!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP6_Different Strokes_Disability
Meet this superwoman who defied death three times and bounced back to life, like it never happened!
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageEP6_DifferentStrokes_Disability
Meet this superwoman who defied death three times and bounced back to life, like it never happened!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS1EP5_Different Strokes_Extreme Body Transformation
Episode 5 is an inspiring tale of a young lad who struggled with obesity, bullying and mental trauma. Until, he underwent extreme physical and psychological transformation. Tune in!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP5_Different Strokes_Extreme Body Transformation
Episode 5 is an inspiring tale of a young lad who struggled with obesity, bullying and mental trauma. Until, he underwent extreme physical and psychological transformation. Tune in!
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageEP5_DifferentStrokes_ExtremeBodyTransformation
Episode 5 is an inspiring tale of a young lad who struggled with obesity, bullying and mental trauma. Until, he underwent extreme physical and psychological transformation. Tune in!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS1EP4_Different Strokes_Mental Health
It's high time we stop shaming those who deal with mental health issues. It's time we just listen and reach out. It's time we normalise mental health.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP4_Different Strokes_Mental Health
It's high time we stop shaming those who deal with mental health issues. It's time we just listen and reach out. It's time we normalise mental health.
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageEP4_DifferentStrokes_MentalHealth
It's high time we stop shaming those who deal with mental health issues. It's time we just listen and reach out. It's time we normalise mental health.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS1EP3_Different Strokes_Personal Loss
Episode 3 is a tear jerking story of a woman who braves a huge personal loss, only to find something very precious in her life. She is truly unstoppable!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP3_Different Strokes_Personal Loss
Episode 3 is a tear jerking story of a woman who braves a huge personal loss, only to find something very precious in her life. She is truly unstoppable!
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageEP3_DifferentStrokes_PersonalLoss
Episode 3 is a tear jerking story of a woman who braves a huge personal loss, only to find something very precious in her life. She is truly unstoppable!
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS1EP3 Teaser_Different Strokes_Personal Loss
Life seldom goes as planned because it has bigger plans in store for us. If you believe in the miracles of life, don't miss this one.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP3 _Different Strokes_Personal Loss (Teaser)
Life seldom goes as planned because it has bigger plans in store for us. If you believe in the miracles of life, don't miss this one.
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageEP3 Teaser_DifferentStrokes_PersonalLoss
Life seldom goes as planned because it has bigger plans in store for us. If you believe in the miracles of life, don't miss this one.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS1EP2_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status (Part1)
My second episode of Different Strokes will take you through the journey of a dynamic woman's life, as she progresses from subservience to self reliance by embracing her sexual status. For the reader's pleasurable experience, this episode has been split[...]
#EP2_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status (Part1)
My second episode of Different Strokes will take you through the journey of a dynamic woman's life, as she progresses from subservience to self reliance by embracing her sexual status. For the reader's pleasurable experience, this episode has been split[...]
EP2_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status (Part1)
My second episode of Different Strokes will take you through the journey of a dynamic woman's life, as she progresses from subservience to self reliance by embracing her sexual status. For the reader's pleasurable experience, this episode has been split[...]
S1EP2 Teaser_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status
Launching the teaser of my second episode of Different Strokes that will take you through the journey of a strong and dynamic woman's life, as she progresses from subservience to self reliance.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/message#EP2 Teaser_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status
Launching the teaser of my second episode of Different Strokes that will take you through the journey of a strong and dynamic woman's life, as she progresses from subservience to self reliance.
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/differentstrokes/messageEP2 Teaser_Different Strokes_Embracing Sexual Status
Launching the teaser of my second episode of Different Strokes that will take you through the journey of a strong and dynamic woman's life, as she progresses from subservience to self reliance.
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/differentstrokes/messageS1EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming and Abuse
Episode 1 of Different Strokes takes you through the journey of a young girl who fights body shaming, low self esteem and abusive relationships, just to find self love in the end. This is her story.
--- Send in a[...]#EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming and Abuse
Episode 1 of Different Strokes takes you through the journey of a young girl who fights body shaming, low self esteem and abusive relationships, just to find self love in the end. This is her story.
--- Send in a[...]EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming and Abuse
Episode 1 of Different Strokes takes you through the journey of a young girl who fights body shaming, low self esteem and abusive relationships, just to find self love in the end. This is her story.
--- Send in a[...]S1EP1_Teaser_Different Strokes_Body Shaming
Different Strokes is a podcast series that brings to you, stories of resilience, the undying human spirit and the instinctive yearning to remain hopeful until our last breath. The first episode takes you through the journey of a young girl[...]
#EP1_Different Strokes_Body Shaming (Teaser)
Different Strokes is a podcast series that brings to you, stories of resilience, the undying human spirit and the instinctive yearning to remain hopeful until our last breath. The first episode takes you through the journey of a young girl[...]
EP1_Teaser_Different Strokes_BodyShaming
Different Strokes is a podcast series that brings to you, stories of resilience, the undying human spirit and the instinctive yearning to remain hopeful until our last breath. The first episode takes you through the journey of a young girl[...]